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Fund Raising Event At Malaysian Township

Posted by Administrator (admin) on Aug 15 2010
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   After a lot of discussion with stalwarts in social development, we came to an agreement that we need funds (Corpus fund) for operational expenses and to fall back if there is any problem with sponsorship in the succeeding years. As part of that, we planned to raise funds for ACO.

     Share N Care - A team of members from Malasian township came up with a brilliant concept to collect unused books from residents/children and sell it at more than 50% discount to those who would like to purchase. The funds are to help ACO children in case anybody dont find sponsorship or in case of ACO operational expenses.

  Thanks to ACO team who participated in the event. (Eswar, Gurava, Vikram, Kartheeka, Neha & Ram).

     We specially thank Mr. Narsimuloo for his proactive contribution and to provide a great opportunity for ACO in terms of sustainability.  And we thank Prerna and Manish for their great work in executing the plan in a period of 2 days.

     ACO congratulates everybody who put their effort to make this event so successful in a period of 2 days. Kudos to the Share N Care team.

